APT Canada



Canadian Type Authors

The goal is to acknowledge, Canadians who have written books to share their type expertise.  Submissions are welcome. If you have additions please forward them to webmaster  for future inclusion.  

Sharon Fitzsimmons provides a collection of stories, ideas and suggestions from people of 16 different personality types related to Time Management.  In this book each individual can find practical advice, ideas and inspiration to manage their time effectively. Stories from each of the 16 personality types illustrate how we all manage our time differently, and the techniques we can use to manage it successfully. The stories and advice are unique, interesting, sometimes painful and often funny, and will resonate with others of similar personality types.

Jan Yuill of Ottawa uses very simple building blocks to construct a model for understanding the complexities of organizations.  Whether you are a member of a corporation, government department, work team, committee or interest group,  Organizations Alive! will help you think differently and work more effectively.

Marci Segal of Toronto is a creativity specialist and MBTI faculty member for the qualifying training program  Her book is based on her belief that creativity is another expression of our inherent biological imperative to procreate. She facilitates programs that tap the innate creative potential in each person and champion fresh thinking and relevant action in any field of human endeavour.

Visit our Publishers sites for order information.

Learning Your Way Donna Dunning of Red Deer Alberta has published two books that readers consider to be "gems".  Learning Your Way is her first book. This second book "What's Your Type of Career?" has been endorsed by Richard Bolles.

Donna's web site is our site of the month and contains further information.

Eduardo Casas

Manuel et guide pour l’Indicateur des types psychologiques Myers-Briggs®



Avec qui travaillez-vous?

Alain Samson :

Des gens vous tombent-ils parfois sur les nerfs sans raison apparente? Avez-vous déjà éprouvé de la difficulté à vous faire accepter par quelqu’un? Arrive-t-il que, malgré vos efforts, une personne bien intentionnée ne comprenne pas ce que vous lui expliquez?

Grâce à Avec qui travaillez-vous?, initiez-vous à la théorie des types psychologiques. Apprenez à mieux vous connaître et à décoder rapidement la personnalité des gens qui vous entourent, communiquez plus efficacement avec eux en tenant compte de leur tempérament, et multipliez le pouvoir du travail en équipe en exploitant les atouts naturels de vos collaborateurs.

De plus, mettez vos connaissances en pratique dès maintenant à l’aide d’un jeu de rôles spécialement conçu à cet effet. Une façon conviviale de raffiner vos techniques d’analyse et d’apprendre à vous adapter rapidement à votre interlocuteur en fonction de son profil psychologique.


People Puzzles


Lynda Trommelen

Type tools to • improve communication • manage stress • cope effectively with change and transition • improve quality in the workplace

People Puzzles is a result of the refinement of countless workshops over a ten-year period. Using the MBTI® instrument as a basis, thousands of workshop participants have contributed to this thoroughly readable and instructive manual.

Packed with exercises, explanations, diagrams, charts and graphs, People Puzzles provides engaging, practical, and immediately-useful activities – or begins the journey of self-exploration for those new to the world of type – all in a reproducible format!

About Men and Women: How Your "Masculine and Feminine

Tad Guzie :

by Ted W. Guzie, Noreen Monroe Guzie (Contributor), Tad Guzie


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Last updated: September 15, 2005.